8:00 am
Registration & Coffee
8:30 am
Track 1: Workshop 01
Track 2: Workshop 01
Track 3: Workshop 01

Charlie Howlett
Topic: Unlock Your Creative Potential

Allan Peters
Topic: Logos That Last

Casey & Veronica
Topic: Crafted by Hand: A Letterpress Experience
10:30 am
Track 1: Workshop 02

Chris David Garcia
Topic: Creative Leadership Unleashed: Transforming Your Team to Champions
12:00 pm
1:30 pm
Track 1: Workshop 03
Track 2: Workshop 02
Track 3: Workshop 02

Bill Kenney
Topic: Understand what truly matters in a branding effort–from the craft to client management.

Paul Sirmon
Topic: Make a Font in 3 Hours

Heath Jackson
Topic: Designing Futures: Curriculum Development for Graphic Design Educators
3:30 pm
Track 1: Workshop 04
Track 3: Workshop 03

Sean Sidders
Topic: How to Build a Sustainable Creative Agency

Joe Gonzalez
Topic: Elevating Your Church Brand: Building a Creative Team, Process, and Trust
7:30 pm
Opening Mixer
Mallard Agency
1363 Brumlow Ave Southlake, TX 76092
Drinks & Appetizers provided
8:00 am
Coffee & Connect
9:00 am
Day 1 Kickoff
9:15 am
Session 12

Sean Fox
Topic: A Shift in Design
10:15 am
Session 2

Chris David Garcia
Topic: Creative Leadership Unleashed: Transforming Your Team to Champions
10:55 am
30 Minute Break
11:25 am
Session 3

Emily Cohen
Topic: Managing Projects and Clients for High Impact
12:05 pm
Lunch (2 hours)
12:30 pm
Monsters of Type Presents: Hot Type Hot Lunch
Viewing of Linotype The Film.
Pizza & Drinks provided
2:15 pm
Session 4

Lisa Quine
Topic: The Magical World of Murals
3:15 pm
Session 5

Natalie Kent
Topic: Grit and The Art of Creative Endurance
3:55 pm
30 Minute Break
4:25 pm
Session 6

Allan Peters
Topic: Chasing Dreams, Not Dollars: The Power of Letting Conviction Lead Your Career
7:00 pm
After Party
Chicken N Pickle
4600 Merlot Ave
Grapevine, TX 76051
Food & Drinks provided
6:00 am
CirclesFit 5K Run
8:00 am
Coffee & Connect
9:00 am
Day 2 Kickoff
9:15 am
Session 1

Stephanie Alcaino
Topic: Harnessing The Power of Uncertainty When Creating for a Changing World.
10:15 am
Session 2

Kevin Ely
Topic: The Bigger Box - Creative Processes That Serve People
10:55 am
30 Minute Break
11:25 am
Session 3

Matt Dawson
Topic: Key Lessons from 15 Years in Design
12:05 pm
Lunch & Yoga (2 hours)
2:15 pm
Session 4

Jason Craig
Topic: Year of the Dragon: From Passive Observation to Purposeful Creation
3:15 pm
Session 5

Miro Laflaga
Topic: Coming Soon

Ash Phillips
Topic: Branding as a tool to mobilize teams and build community
3:55 pm
30 Minute Break
4:25 pm
Session 6