

8:00 am

Coffee & Connect

9:00 am

Day 1 Kickoff

9:15 am

Session 12

10:15 am

Session 2

Kwaku Amprako

Kwaku Amprako

Topic: How to make a logo: Theory, practical & implementation

10:55 am

30 Minute Break

11:25 am

Session 3

Natalie Armendariz

Natalie Armendariz

Topic: Oops, we started a design agency!

12:05 pm

Lunch (2 hours)

2:15 pm

Session 4

Kevin Daughtry

Kevin Daughtry

Topic: Becoming A Chameleon

3:15 pm

Session 5

Grizzly Wheeler

Grizzly Wheeler

Topic: Value of Relationships

3:55 pm

30 Minute Break

4:25 pm

Session 6

7:30 pm

After Party
